General merchandise retail store supermarket can be divided into two categories. One is the "soft" goods such as clothing, footwear, wholesale discount electronics shopping knitwear, such commonly used to protect the hard tag, can be reused; the other is "hard" goods such as cosmetics, food, shampoo, etc., soft label protection, degaussing at the cash register, the general one-time use. Of the hard tag, the various principles of anti-theft system to protect the type of goods the same. But the soft label, the metal due to the impact of different, very different.
EAS (ElectronicArticleSurveillance), wholesale discount electronics shopping also known as electronic goods Theft (Pirates) system is widely used in large-scale retail merchandise security measures. EAS wholesale electronic for sale online in the United States came in the mid-1960s, initially used in the apparel industry, it has now more than 80 countries and regions around the world, applications are also extended to the department stores, supermarkets, book a variety of industries, especially in the large supermarket (warehouse) applications fully developed.
EAS system consists of three parts: the detector (Sensor), decoder (Deactivator) and RFID (ElectronicLabelandTag). RFID tags wholesale discount electronics shopping are divided into soft and hard tag, soft label low cost, direct adhesion in the more "hard" goods, soft label can not be reused; hard tag soft label one-time cost is high, but can be reused. Hard label shall be equipped with special devices to take nails, used for clothing soft, penetrating items.